Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bite it you scum

Dead man tell no tales

Kirsty Roxx is pointing a gun at you, wants to kill you and she painted this shirt with this very direct statement. We don't want to make her any angrier than that, so we have to agree that her bloody shirt fits her anti-you attitude just perfect. The "you are scum" words in red over the yellow background makes it a perfect top to wear when you're having one of those days when everything is fucked and everybody sucks. She wishes that bunny was you so she could blow your brains out. You gotta love the attitude of this chick, but the question is, are you man enough to handle it?

First one to proclaim leaves with a bloodstain

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Punk Rock Christmas

Who said you can't dress up warm and still look good? Hand made punkrock mittens coming your way.

       Merry christmas motherfuckers.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Smartest Bomb

Kuvassa näet housut, jotka monen mielestä kuuluisi jo roskaatikkoon. Kyseisten housujen tunnearvo kun on niin valtava, että ne tulevat kuulumaan vakiovarustukseeni luultavasti niin kauan kun keikoilla jaksan pyöriä. Keikkahousut kun kuuluvat jokaisen örveltäjän vaatekaappiin. Omani tein vanhoista pillifarkuista: sakset käteen ja eikun leikkaamaan. Valkoisella maalasin tekstin Smartest Bomb ja ovat housut tainneet muutamaan otteeseen biisin tekijänkin keikalla olla päällä.Välillä housuja on parsittu kasaan käsin ompelemalla ja takapuolella on palanen mattoa, jonka hyvä ystäväni kiireessä siihen silitysraudalla poltti kun oli kiire festareille. Eli eikun pöksyt jalkaan ja seuraavia keikkoja odottelemaan..

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gabba Gabba Hey

The summer is long in southern countries, so when it's too hot to wear your old skintight jeans you have to look for an alternative. An old pair of shorts was mine, and turned off by their old look I decided to give them a chance and try some custom work. With a north american flag I found on a bus in Helsinki and an old Ramones shirt, the old pair of shorts became brand new and cooler than life.

Painted By Numbers

En pidä jakkupuvuista. Omistan kuitenkin muutaman, sillä tuomarina toimiessani niitit ja nahka ei valitettavasti ole soveliain asu. Halusin antaa vanhalle jakkutakilleni uuden ilmeen joten takaosaan ompelin The Soundsin logon. Bändissä on tyylikkyyttä sekä hieman rokkia, joten se sopi tarkoitukseeni täydellisesti.

Punk as fuck, ready to fuck!

Denim vests are timeless, always a classic. You can personalize them in every way imaginable so that they fit your personality. Patches, buttons, spikes, studs and paint! It's time consuming, but with a little bit of patience you will get results that you will be proud of. This one turned out real good, and now Rixx can walk the dark alleys of Helsinki totally carefree and wild, looking for a fight, howling to the moonlight, beating up drunks and getting her dinner from garbage cans with class and style.

Punk it up

Marlene Dietrich, from Golling, Austria, made this commendable piece of work, and it's definitely one of Mohawk Nation's favourites. The mix of colours, shades, fabrics and spikes turns this jacket into a masterpiece, the best one we have seen in a long while. Working on leather is way harder than other materials, so it just adds admiration to the hard work and good taste showcased on this item. As if that wasn't enough, her multi coloured mohawk and her self made skirt would make Duane Peters look like a brat in comparison. 
It doesn't get much better. 10/10

Notice also the raw fuck customized skirt

Even her dog was impressed

Trashcan clothing

 I don't like new clothes. I like 'em old, worn out... just like I like guitars (but that doesn't apply to women, ok?). When a shirt's colour starts to fade is when the t-shirt has some life in it, when it actually brings some attitude to the person wearing it. I only buy new clothes when I have no other option, due to my old ones falling to pieces. That was exactly the case of my favourite tee. I printed this Backyard Babies flyer from an american gig back in the day on it, but after many rowdy beer drinking nights the holes grew bigger than the shirt itself. 
Time to make a new favourite.

Dead Boy

Here it is, proof that it doesn't take much more than an old shirt and some paint to look cool. The "Dead Boy" hand painted shirt, as a tribute to the legendary punk rock band from Cleveland. Their agressive misogynist lyrics are just right for a saturday night: “I don't need your company, girls like you all come for free, I don't really wanna dance girl, I just wanna get in your pants" (I need lunch).

Carry On

Jenkeistä ostetut oranssit Converset olivat turhan kirkkaat. Muutaman festarireissun jälkeen ne saivat kuitenkin ansaittua likaa pintaan (kiitos Hardy). Nauhat pois ja tilalle kettinkiä, läppiin ompelin lumileopardikangasta, kärkiin muutama niitti, pinkkiä maalia ja hieman tussia. Uusi-Seelantilaisesta bändistä, The Rabblesta innostuneena, kengän kärkiä koristaa teksti joka potkii eteenpäin.

Life gets harder as you will discover but..
Carry on